Just a Little Perspective

Over the past weeks I have been trying hard to shift my business at Kids BRAIN to encompass different ways to support my patients and others in the community, especially since I live in a county that has been and will be sheltering in place for a while. I spent some time generating webinar course content covering anxiety management. This has brought the concept of perceived helplessness to the front of my thinking. That may be partially because of the frustration I am struggling with myself at having a long list of children on hold for testing while we weather the storm of COVID-19. It is also likely linked to the feelings of frustration that come from doing what the CDC, state, and local authorities assure us is the right thing to do, while at the same time continuing to watch the numbers of infected and lost people climb every higher. It’s scary and makes me feel like I should be able to do more. My father sent the below comic to me. I loved it and immediately thought of sharing with others. Part of me really likes to think that myself personally, and all of us as a human race, have the ability to make a virus feel a little hopeless. My son’s science teacher has been teaching an awesome module on viruses. Since I have been assisting in both of my children’s lessons at a higher level than is typical, I am re-learning along with them. So, I know that viruses aren’t alive and that they don’t think. There is a part of me, though, that enjoys the thought that they may be fearful of the power our awesome human brains possess. I am not a fearful person by nature, so seeing a little visual representation of the strength of our decisions and choices made me feel a little better today. I hope it does the same for you. Thanks dad!



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