Keeping Minds and Bodies Busy During Extended Home Sheltering

Well, for many of use we have two weeks of school from home under our belts. Some have opted out of the virtual schooling options offered by their children’s schools. Some are settling in and firming up what the daily routine should look like. For others, they have been homeschooling all along and are not concerned with new academic demands. Regardless of whether you are all in, holding steady, or all out on the varied educational formats that our children are adjusting to, a house full of cooped up kids is a little (or a lot) scary. Some families will resort to extended screen time sessions in order to get some blocks of time to get their own grown up work done. Others of you are hitting your stride on ways to bring life experience to your children through activities, reading, videos, and science experiments. Regardless of whether you are at one end of the continuum, the other, or shifting back and forth between, ongoing, fresh ideas to keep your kids engaged with you, your household, and out of  the zombie land that comes from hours of non-stop Minecraft will be useful (or necessary). Consider popping some of the below activities into your daily schedule between academic work sessions, during PE or art time, or when things get stressful and everyone needs a little fun time. No need to feel like a hostage. Consider your role to be part entertainment coordinator, at least for a part of the day.

5 minutes of busy time

Get little bodies moving with online sources like GoNoodle or Cosmic Kids Yoga

Jump rope

Create Play-Doh figures for a daily display (zoo? farm? circus?)

Pull out your art supplies and offer markers, colored pencils, and crayons to try your hand at still life drawing

Build a family music playlist, hit shuffle, and dance to the first 2 songs between activities

Have a paper airplane contest for distance and trick skills

15 minutes of busy time

Create a drawing with sidewalk chalk. Start with one person and 3 minutes. Switch among members to add their own part for a whole team drawing

Paint a picture with watercolors

Ride a bike well away from others. Consider a loop around the driveway and a series of time trials

Play hide and seek. Add a little twist and use a set of walkie talkies. Reverse the fun and play Sardines

Build a LEGO sculpture

Play a front yard game of baseball, flag football, volleyball, or tennis

Stage a photography contest focusing on the nature in your yard

30 minutes of busy time

Teach your children how to create a sweet treat by following a recipe

Create a living room pillow and sheet fort. Use it later in the day for a movie night

Play card games like Go Fish, Old Maid, War, or Uno. Consider some new ones too

Stage a scavenger hunt for common household objects

Use recycled materials to make a home set of instruments

Make an obstacle course with old sports equipment

Play a short board game like Sorry!, Trouble, or Checkers


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