When crisis strikes parents are often grappling with the duties of caring for themselves and their children. Some of these families will struggle with anxiety related to routine changes, especially when children have special needs. We have recently posted on ways to cope with isolation and the anxiety of dealing with big concerns (https://kidsbrainacademy.wordpress.com/2020/03/18/psychological-impacts-of-social-distancing-isolation-and-quarantine-what-they-are-and-ways-to-cope/). Additional support for helping ease anxieties in your children (and hopefully yourself) can be found below. In addition to home-based anxiety supports, most psychologists and counselors are adapting to these changing times as well. This means shifting appointments to a video format to offer parent support, counseling sessions, and anxiety management in your home. If you have a relationship with a counselor, they are likely already equipped to meet your needs at home. If you don’t have a regular counselor, calling a local pediatric counseling group to set up a new appointment is still possible. There may be a wait to access these services, so additional books, links, and materials can be found below to bridge the gap between now and when you can be seen by a counselor.

This can be found in a Kindle version and downloaded right now https://www.amazon.com/Parenting-Children-Mental-Health-Challenges-ebook/dp/B07FZCJVTV/ref=sr_1_19?keywords=health+anxiety+children&qid=1584542821&sr=8-19&swrs=F74403835628A8E5B3E062D9A1F0B7D7

This is one of our favorite books for supporting anxious children https://www.amazon.com/What-When-Worry-Much-What/dp/1591473144/ref=sr_1_17?keywords=health+anxiety+children&qid=1584542928&sr=8-17

This is an excellent workbook on the methods counselors use to teach children (and adults) how to reduce anxiety levels https://www.amazon.com/CBT-Workbook-Kids-Exercises-Activities/dp/1641523492/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=health+anxiety+children&qid=1584543213&sr=8-6

This can be downloaded in a Kindle version today https://www.amazon.com/Coping-Skills-Kids-Workbook-Strategies-ebook-dp-B01M4QL0W9/dp/B01M4QL0W9/ref=mt_kindle?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1584543213