Psychological Impacts of Social Distancing, Isolation, and Quarantine: What They Are and Ways to Cope

At Kids BRAIN we are seeing a surge in requests to address anxiety levels in our families. With children and parents now choosing to distance (yay team!), being isolated from their regular social networks, and being placed in quarantine due to diagnosis and suspected COVID-19 exposure, there are mounting anxieties and concerns about what to do to support themselves and others around them. The American Psychological Association (APA) has posted information regarding the psychological impacts from these drastic life changes and ways to help. Please see below and forward to those you know who would benefit……Take care and stay healthy out there!

APA Guidance on Social Distance and Coping Strategies

CDC Guidelines-Mental Health and Coping with COVID-19

World Health Organization-Advice to the Public on COVID-19 on Coping with Stress

World Health Organization-Helping Kids Cope with Stress

SAMHSA Distress Hotline

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255


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