A person and an organization’s true colors shine through most clearly when times are tough, chaotic, and stressful. I am certain that all would agree that we are deep in those tough times. I know that it is super obnoxious when someone just pastes in something that someone else wrote, but when its good, its good. I have included some content below from an organization called Big Life Journal. I couldn’t see the sense in trying to reinvent the wheel when they have done such an excellent job. Enjoy!
By Big Life Journal It’s been an incredibly difficult week for many of us. And parents everywhere are feeling so many different things right now. It’s our goal at Big Life Journal to support you in raising kind, compassionate, and inclusive children. Because we believe that it’s up to us to raise a generation that celebrates and embraces differences. A generation without racism. A generation that will become the change. Our team was thinking hard about how we can best support YOU now. Based on the questions we received on our social media accounts, we decided that a list of resources on the topics of race, diversity, and inclusion (books, articles, podcasts) would be the most helpful. Be sure to scroll down below to see the list we compiled for you. We also wanted to gift our 5 Day Kindness Challenge for Children (taken from our Kindness & Community Kit). We understand that kindness might feel not enough right now. But it is fundamental. You can include this activity as part of your overall education plan on inclusion and diversity. |
For more help on how to raise inclusive children, be sure to check out the 7 steps below. These strategies are a great starting point for families and even teachers. |
Recommended Resources: Children’s Books on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 31 Children’s books to support conversations on race, racism, and resistance The 2020 Ultimate List of Diverse Children’s Books Books with Characters of Color Mixed – Diversity and Inclusion Story and Discussion Guide for Parents (children’s book + parent’s guide) Articles for Parents and Teachers How White Parents Can Talk To Their Kids About Race (NPR) How silence can breed prejudice: A child development professor explains how and why to talk to kids about race (Washington Post) Critical Conversations (The Conscious Kid) Podcasts and Videos for Adults Talking Race With Young Children (NPR) (audio) How To Raise Anti-Racist Kids (with Dr. Nzinga Harrison) (audio) 1619 (New York Times) (audio) Come Through With Rebecca Carroll (audio) Color blind or color brave? (TED talk by Mellody Hobson) (video) |