Listen up Kids BRAIN families in Texas! The state of Texas has released additional support funds available to parents with a child in a Texas public school who is also provided with educational supports under an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), you may be eligible for state financial support to assist with expenses related to services normally offered through your child’s IEP but that is disrupted by COVID. This is per student, so can be applied for on behalf of multiple children in the family.
This includes:
-Private tutoring
-Educationally related services and therapies from a licensed or accredited practitioner (OT, PT, BCBA, SLP, PT)
-Textbooks, curriculum, or other instructional materials- Computer hardware, software, or other technological devices that are used for educational needs
You can’t request retroactive payments, so use the link below to find out more and to apply. You would then potentially be able to request reimbursement from approved vendors to increase services for your child. There is also a FAQ sheet below to give more details.