My 13 year old called me a name this week. It was “feminist.” I think he thought that would make me mad. It actually made me really proud to be recognized as a person who advocates for women to be as powerful as possible. In that vein, I actually started my practice Kids BRAIN in order to offer parents something that we all are looking for: power. I had spent years working within large organizations, like colleges, school districts, and hospitals. In each of those locations, the power was all held by the organization. When I started my practice, my goal was to provide a service that left moms feeling strong, capable, and confident in their ability understand their child and to advocate for them appropriately. This was the goal then and is maybe more so now that the world is flipped on its head. For those of you with small children who struggle to connect and communicate with you, we would love to help. We have created a 12 week parent training program called Empowering the Spectrum of Parents (ESP Program). This is designed to support moms AND dads in teaching their children to use communication skills, to play in more appropriate and interactive ways, and to engage and connect. Every parent deserves that. We can’t see people in person the way that we want to. We are actively recruiting families to join us in live virtual parent training in small groups. For those of you who cannot commit to a weekly session during work hours, we have also created an on demand version of this training that allows you to view content and videos whenever you have a few minutes free. See below link to the course.