Resources for Staying Sane While Staying Home and Staying Safe

The only way that we are going to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is to keep it from moving between humans. It can’t live without a human host for more than a few days. We need to starve this virus out by blocking its ability to infect one person after another. This is what my head says, but I am with all of you that may need some convincing in your heart. This has shut down so many aspects of normal life, forced a halt to your typical work schedule, created an educational void that parents are being called on to fill, and has distanced us from our social connections when we need them most. As hard as this is and will likely continue to be for a while, this will not last forever. We CAN and MUST socially distance from another. It is our right as Americans to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They are in that order for a reason. Saving the lives of your family, friends, and neighbors by blocking this virus’ desire to invade you and turn you into a virus factory is how we are going to preserve lives today and for a time to come. There are mounting resources for parents as all of the helping industries out there band together to offer what support they can. There are times that I sit back and am truly grateful to be a part of a field that jumps into stress and adversity to help out. It’s pretty cool to be a helper sometimes, especially when people truly need assistance. Below, please see a compilation of resources for parents to help make these hard times a little easier. I did not do the heavy lifting to put this list together. I am lucky enough to participate in several listservs for psychologists and counselors to give ideas and help to one another. The last few days, this has meant a full inbox of ideas from psychologists all over the country offering their ideas, materials, and thoughts on how best to effectively help parents, kids, and families. I hope these are beneficial to you. Stay safe and healthy out there!


National Public Radio – Dr. Mary Alvord

American Psychological Association-various articles and information

Related research from APA

Consortium for Science-based Information about Children, Youth and Families (CSICYF)

Blog for parents about helping kids through COVID-19 outbreak

Child Mind Institute

Child Trends

Dr. Rosenthal (psychologist), New York City

American Academy of Pediatrics


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