By Dr. Katy Caldwell
Parenting can be physically and emotionally exhausting, whether you are a first time parent or gearing up for the fourth time around. These resources have helped me manage both the physical and emotional needs of my two young children, while also providing me with great ideas for how to make parenting fun. All of the resources below share free tips and information on their Instagram handles and websites.
The Wonder Weeks (app) – This is an awesome app that educates parents on the stages or “leaps” that occur in development throughout the first 20 months of life. It explains what behaviors to look for during leaps, how to help your baby through each leap, and how your baby perceives his/her new “world” after each leap. https://www.thewonderweeks.com
Taking Cara Babies – Sleep training brought to you by a neonatal nurse.Many new parents swear by her sleep courses. She also has so many wonderful tips and tricks for helping infants AND parents safely get the rest they need. https://takingcarababies.com
Big Little Feelings – This is a great online parenting and behavior course for managing your toddler’s behavior and emotions. https://biglittlefeelings.com
Busy Toddler– This is one of my favorite resources for fun and creative learning activities and toys. https://busytoddler.com
Kids Eat in Color – This website has awesome resources created by a registered dietician to combat picky eating, teach healthy habits, foster a positive mindset with food, and help children broaden their horizons with their food choices. https://kidseatincolor.com
Moms on Call – This was my favorite series of books to survive the infant stage…all the way through the toddler stage. It was written by two nurses who share their years of experience both in work and raising their own children. https://momsoncall.com
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish – This is a great book for parents of young children on how to communicate effectively while helping young children manage their BIG emotions. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/parenting/wp/2017/02/15/how-to-talk-so-little-kids-will-listen-a-qa-with-the-author/
Daniel Tiger on PBS – If you are going to allow your child to have screen time, I highly recommend this show on PBS. Daniel is an adorable (and very relatable) tiger who teaches young children valuable lessons in every episode through a short and catchy song. In my house, we have used this to facilitate conversations about potty training, introducing a new sibling, kindness, and enjoying the present moment. https://pbskids.org/daniel/