Guide For Parenting Tricky Kids

Well, several weeks in and I feel like reality is starting to set in. We have (hopefully) been doing our part to keep ourselves and others safe and healthy. Good for you; it’s hard and is surely starting to feel like a sacrifice. We have been staying at home, which means lots and lots of family time. Some of you are reveling in a chance to mix things up and to see your children more consistently during the day. Others of you are faced with the juggling act that is managing your children at home while simultaneously trying to execute some version of your job from a shared Wifi pool and limited locations that offer seclusion for videos, phone calls, and some semblance of professionalism. Never fear people! There is a silver lining to this new normal.

Typically, those of you (us) with kids that struggle behaviorally send them off to school and hope we don’t hear from the teacher or administrator. You have been putting out fires each morning and going off the bed exhausted from the ongoing arguments, disciplinary attentions, stress of getting homework done, and the whirlwind of bedtime antics. You have years of mealtime battles under your belt and a black belt in separating siblings amid a fight. You are just trying to get everything done before collapsing for the night. For children in Texas, we are now planning to educate from home through the end of the school year. This means we have several more weeks of educational demands and then we transition into summer. This will likely look different from most summers for you, with the possibility of summer camp looking low and travel for vacation potentially impacted by restrictions. For some of you who are parenting tricky kids prone to argumentativeness, oppositional behaviors, conflict, and social mediation issues, this may be a particularly challenging time. Kids BRAIN is here to help make the most of this opportunity. This time may also offer a golden opportunity to tackle those tricky behaviors that have been around for a while and you hoped would go away on your own. Unfortunately, these behaviors are unlikely to go away without support, so now is the time to commit to change. You can beef up those parenting skills in a way that allows you to build the strong, cohesive, thriving family that you wish for. Check out the course that I have been working on this week. Whew! Glad I am done with this one, as I have lots of families at my practice dealing with just these issues. It was also a nice refresher course for me. I didn’t realize that I would need 10 years of college to parent my own children. Sigh. As is the case with most families, it is a work in progress. See the link to the course below. Get started!!


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