About Kids BRAIN

Kids BRAIN is a provider-led team offering a variety of comprehensive assessments, consultations, and interventions to support children, their families, and their education teams when they struggle with neurological, developmental, attention, genetic, and/or learning differences.

Jennifer Morrison, Ph.D., L.S.S.P.

Licensed Psychologist-Health Service Provider
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology

Kathryn (Katy) Caldwell, Ph.D., L.S.S.P.

Licensed Psychologist
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology

Marivelisse Rodriguez-Rivera, Psy.D.

Licensed Psychologist

Catherine Harris, L.S.S.P., L.P.A.-I.

Licensed Specialist in School Psychology
Licensed Psychological Associate-Independent Practice

Kathryn (Kathy) Kurzman, MSc

Academic Executive Function Coach
Independent Educational Consultant 

Lee M. Fisher, M.S., LPA-I

Licensed Psychological Associate-Independent Practice ​
Service Provider Kids BRAIN, LLC

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