Kids don’t have a manual. Literally. Each child is different and parenting is often a trial and error (and error, and error) process. There are times that you feel tired, frustrated, unprepared, and even hopeless that this big job you have in front of you is impossible. Parenting doesn’t have to feel that way. Not all the time anyway. Kids BRAIN has a team of brain detectives that can help guide you to a place where your family is stronger, your children are more successful, and you feel more powerful, confident, and competent at the job of parenting. But, “what is a brain detective?” you ask. At Kids BRAIN, we are a team of psychologists and other kids professionals that help parents figure out the puzzle that is their child’s brain. Clinical psychologists deal with issues related to mood such as anxiety, depression, and motivation. We do that. Educational psychologists work with a child in a school setting to figure out how they learn. Yep, we do that too. Neuropsychologists focus on the function of brain parts and systems to figure out the impacts from injury, illness, and genetic differences. Uh huh, we have that covered too. Developmental psychologists work with the littlest kids to observe their early development of motor, language, social, and thinking skills. Check, we can help there. When you receive services from these specific providers, you can get a good picture of a piece of the puzzle. When you work with a brain detective, you get a view of all pieces of the puzzle that is your kids’ brain. When you work with a brain detective you learn what your child struggles with, what they excel at, and are provided with a guide to using those assets to support areas where growth is needed. Giving you a diagnosis is not helping fix anything. Parents need a plan for what to work on and how to build skills that are missing. Parents need a pathway to head down. Brain detectives, like the ones at Kids BRAIN, are there to do just that. All you have to do is get started.