I believe that students encounter endless possibilities – academic possibilities, social possibilities, and myriad other experiences that will open even more possibilities.
As a parent, teacher, and coach, I know first-hand that it takes a village to prepare young people to take advantage of the possibilities that life presents. I believe that it is my calling to be part of that village. More so, it is my passion.
In my world, no student is ever behind. My role as a coach is to guide and encourage students to move from where they are to where they want to be.
Executive functions are the cognitive skills that manage and organize behaviors, which allow for task completion. Executive function (EF) coaching promotes the growth of self-knowledge and self-confidence in selecting and implementing strategies and skills to complete tasks. Executive functions, such as time management, planning, organization, task initiation, flexibility, and self-control, to name a few, are typically not fully developed until the mid-twenties. Therefore, executive function coaching is beneficial for all students, not just those with ADHD or learning differences.
I help students develop a “toolkit” of strategies and skills to draw from while working toward self-set life and academic goals. As a coach, I work with students to develop “learning to learn” skills. This is different from a tutor, who focuses on academic content. Each of my students is unique; thus, I do not have a set program that I take students through. Instead, I design an individual plan for each student, selecting techniques and strategies from my own “toolkit.” Building a relationship of trust and respect is vital for our work together, as the student and I co-create a plan to reach goals and continue to tweak the plan as we see fit. Most importantly, we celebrate accomplishments together, no matter how small.
I am an academic executive function coach and independent educational consultant (IEC). I hold an MSc, with Distinction in Education from the University of Southampton, UK; a certificate, with Distinction in College Counseling from UCLA; a certificate in Jewish Education Specializing in Adolescence and Emerging Adults from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion: and a BS, with honors in Elementary Education, from the University of Texas at Austin. Recently, I completed my ADHD Coach Training through the ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA). I hold an associate membership in the Independent Educational Consultants Association and am a member of the Texas Association of College Admissions Counseling.