How Will They Ever Be Ready for Next School Year?

All kids are different, which I love. It’s my favorite part about kids actually; the part where you sit and talk and think together and you get a little peek behind the curtain to see what they are all about. Differences in kids is great! Differences in schools and specifically, virtual schools, is NOT. I am receiving feedback daily on how “school” looks for my patients now. In Texas, our governor has declared that we will have no school until after May 30, which means until August for most, if not all of us. When it was supposed to be two weeks, most parents were able to gear themselves up to make the transition to “teacher.” Now that we are talking months, I am finding that the confidence and momentum needed to continue to push forward with new educational demands is waning. Some of this is due to vast differences in school responses. I have some families dealing with such long lists of assignments each day that their children will likely never be able to keep up. I have others who note that their school has opted out of a virtual presentation format and is just mass emailing a list of assignments. Others have hit the sweet spot and are providing a good “school day” worth of content and even enrichment options. If it looks like home school is what we will have for the remainder of the school year, then I will continue to support patients in structuring their home and schedule to allow their children to continue to learn. For those of you who are piecing together your own content because of gaps in your child’s schools approach, please see some below options for grade level curriculum that you can use to supplement your child’s education needs. Hope this helps!


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