The social distancing response to COVID-19 is exactly what needs to happen to keep us and those that we love safe and healthy. However, that does not mean that there are not millions of families out there cringing at the thought of ALL of their children’s school work turning into homework (i.e. work done at home). At Kids BRAIN, we spend a huge amount of time working with children who have a range of neurological and neurodevelopmental issues, with ADHD being a very common one. This means that all of those sweet brains are at home with parents panicking in the face of turning into a teacher. DON’T PANIC! There are lots of resources that will require some reading on your part and some logistical changes too, but will help you be better equipped to provide the structure and support that your children need to continue to learn even when not in the classroom. The below suggestions are also likely to help keep you sane while you add this new hat to your parenting role.
Dr. Pam Dawson and Dr. Richard Guare are some of the foremost psychologists specializing in ADHD brains in children and how to support them. Below, see a range of articles to teach parents a little about the ADHD brain and to help you create a home environment that fosters completion of school work with as little fuss as possible. I have also included links my favorite books by these authors if you want more than homework help.

One of our most highly recommended executive function books for parents. This covers little kids up to age 11 or so.

This book covers late middle school and high school age kids.

This is the college version

And for parents who might benefit from a little executive function support themselves, the adult version!